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2024-2025 Student Fees/Donation

2024-2025 Student Fees/Donation

The 2024-2025 school year is just a few weeks away. We wanted to be sure to prepare our parents for the fees/donations they may be seeing at registration this year!

**Reminder, Students will not be able to pick up schedules or pay fees until online registration is completed!**

Breakdown of Fees: 

High School Donation: $20

Senior Class: $20

Locker: $10

Parking Pass: $25 (Must bring a copy of insurance and driver's license)

Band: $30

Biology Donation: $10 (9th Grade Only)

Business Computer Lab: $25 (10th/11th/12th Grades)

Chemistry Donation: $10 (10th/11th Grades)

Driver's Education: $25 (10th Only)