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Carline Safety!

Carline Safety!

The first priority on our campus is safety!  We take keeping your children safe seriously. 

We have monthly drills, certain procedures for how we check students in and out of school, as well as the flow of traffic on school grounds. 

Please review the procedures for driving on campus. For the safety of all, anyone violating campus traffic rules will not be allowed to drive on campus.


·  Attend to the posted 5 MPH speed limit at all times.  

·  Slow down for all speed bumps that have been installed.

·  When unloading students, cars should be in park and remain in park until the signal to move forward.

·  Please do not be on cell phones.

·  Students may not be dropped off in any parking lot, you must go through the car line.

·  Do not pass any cars or buses in the car line or anywhere on campus. You should get in the appropriate line entering campus to go north or south when exiting.

·  Please remain in your car during the carline.