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Student Life

Students sitting on the grass on blankets smiling
High School Seniors (Boy and Girl) Standing together holding certificates smiling
5th Grade Girls basketball team standing together holding up the number 1 with a trophy in the middle
Students dressed in Halloween costumes sitting on the grass together
3 high school seniors (2 girls and 1 boy) standing together holding certificates
High School Seniors standing in a line holding certificates
High School Seniors standing in a line holding certificates
two highschoolers (a boy and a girl) holding basketballs that day 1000 points. Their coaches on either side of them
6th grade classroom celebrating with chickfila items around them
Students standing around a table working on a worksheet together

Welcome to Southeastern, Home of the Mustangs! 

Southeastern is committed to preparing our students to become positive and productive members of society.  We encourage our students to be involved members of the Mustang family, by giving them access to multiple sports, clubs, and extracurricular activities. 

Mustang Proud. Elite Mindset.


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